Vivian Pek! <3
Just Turned 17:D
Arrived here on APRIL 19'94 <3 YANGZHENG'01-'06 ; YUYING'07-'10 xD TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC'11-13
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SPAMMERS are NOT welcome!
PS guys for not blogging for so long! :( anyway, i had two wonderful bdae celebrations on sat... first up, was whe my sec 1 ex-classmates.... we went to davids hse for awhile before proceeding to the basketball court... u noe wat, actually, i found that i am not bad in basketball! hahas... jkjk.. then at six, i left whe a few grlfrenz.... after reached hme liao, i changed into my new clothes and went out whe my sis.. we went to ps cos bro so-called 'booked' the seats at swensens... we had alot of fun and the food, esp the ice-cream, was yummy! :) thumbs up!!! after dinner, we went walk walk then strolled to cathay for a movie. we watched " Forbidden Kingdom" and it was okay but quite lame and funny... after the movie, it was like 11:30pm already.. bro and i took cab hme and once i reached hme, i pengz... zzz............. so there goes my bdae celebrations... very :) :) :) that particular dae.. in fact, my happiest dae of my life.. not to forget, my PRESENTS!!! thank you to those who wished me happy bdae and my good frenz who had made time and effort for the celebrations! thkq!! :)
that mon, i felt sick.. wa lau! worst dae! shuai!!! after bdae, like that! very bad and xin ku!!!! did not went to sch, of course! but abit :) cos no need go sch on the dae of sch "reopen"... went to see doc.. doc sae kana high fever.. must rest for 2 daes whick means i cannot do sch the next dae and worst still, next dae is my el and mt pp 1!!! sianz... cannot take... hai... cough and cough and sleep and sleep.. the two long unhappy daes passed by sleeping after medicine and then take temperature... finally went to sch on wed... quite :) :) cos ppl gave me bdae gifts!! heng! i m not forgotten!!! hahas!! lol... alot of things that dae when i went to sch... OMG!
exams cuming... alot of things to prepare... no onlining so long... in fact, not everydae anymore until exams are over.. have to revise my upcuming subjects... [maths pp 1 and history] this mid-yr, everyone must jia you, cannot fang qi.. nv sae die!! [me too!! :) ] gtg guys.. seeya when time comes and if you are lucky, i may be online on the same dae as you! :) lobe you guys! muacks!
Yours Truly, Vivian
April 11, 2008 || 7:23 PM
mr gan didn't cum todae so p.g period was taken over by mr teo[ a young guy, noes his name but dunno hw to spell] thn we were given sci test during the p.g period[ as i had sae earlier, in the earlier daes] e sci pp sucks man! the cher set one thn dunno wat he toking abt... his qus. were like beating around the bush loh... anyway, after the long 1 hr, it was history... ms song went thru the history wkbk whe us thn just rite the bell rang.... after her lesson was science...
guess science we did wat?? cher explain another concept whe us abt "DIFFUSE AND REGULAR REFLECTIONS" ba.... sth like tat... after tat, we did a "LIGHT" wkst.... the qus were kinda of tricky.. mst tink alot thn can get the ans... he everytime likes to 'eat' away our 5 mins loh... but nvm.. hahas... lol...!
thn it was recess at 10:35am... gotta squeeze whe the tall tall seniors[ mst of thm] we chong down to e canteen whe full speed but in the end, the first to queue, last to buy cos the upper sec played cheat! they went by the other way loh! i was damn ): loh.... in fact, they shouldn't have cut the queue.. ppl queue up for a long time liao thn u just barged in... they did not tink of those ppl queuing up loh![ victims like me!] pek chek la! so selfish and inconsiderate loh![ box their eyeballs! qian box, smack, ma, da, slap la] jkjk!!! not so serious... but at least, they should tink of those queuing up! esp. those tat were the last!
after recess, miss latha cum in to us... thn she explain some qus to us... actually she wanted to start on a new topic but there were 3 absentees todae so cannot teach loh... sianz... maths lucky only got 1 period so after her lesson at 11:35am was mt which was the last lesson for the dae! every fridae, my sch ends at 12:40pm so mt only have 2 periods but the 2 periods passed very fast! thn the bell RANG!!! wow! fridae over loh! another weekend! :) :) so fast!
str at 12:40m, i went to find cheryl and tx thn we change into our c.o shirt... abt 10 mins ltr, we went to eat... at 14:20pm, we reached sch.... we rested for awhile thn went to a.v.a rm and take our instruments... at the whole 3 hr, we slacked and played and slacked and played... half half la... thn at 16:00pm was our break... so ): it was only 15 mins... after break around 10 mins ltr.. we all gathered at a.v.a rm for a meeting... the meeting ended and cheryl, tx and i stayed back for awhile to watched the band rehearsal... it was interesting and marvellous! :) after the watching the band rehearsed for 15 mins... i took bus hme.. the bus was quite crowded.... almost fall asleep in the bus... hahas....
reached hme at 18:10pm, went to bathe first thn ate my dinner... the dinner was alrite alrite la.... not bad... hahas... :) ;) on com. at 19:40 ba... forgot liao... lol.. ending my conversation liao... until then! seeya... muacks! bYe! (: (;
lobe, vivi.... [todae very dao mei cos sth X whe my hands!!!]
April 10, 2008 || 7:53 PM
sry guys for not posting for some time... cos i busy doing my hmwk and revision... ;) todae, ms chan did not cum to sch so our first two periods of literature becum two free preiods loh!!! anyway, the cher sucks sia... she sit there marked her pp thn we sit by ourself do the literature book... the class is like do dmn quiet la! cannot share sits or join tables, cannot talk not even whisper[ will look at you whe her eyes ] so damn strict sia like exams like tat! kanasai!!! e whole 1 hr was slow and difficult to overcum... it seem so long like 1 dae.... anyway, after her boring lesson, is history lesson oso 1 hr...
in short, every thursdae, we have double periods loh... anywat, back to the subject. i thgt the lesson is going to be very boring but not... cos she gave us clues to study for the mids.. aren't that great?! her 1 hr passed very fast... as in like u sat down at 9:05 thn is like after 10 mins, recess liao..... fast sia.... normally we used to go to the humanities room and watch her power point.... but not todae... after history, it was recess. i wasn't whe 2c cos they have d and t and hme econs... their recess is 10:35 which oso the time my recess ended... i went to change into my pe attire whe moe, cheryl and sihui... after tat we went to canteen and ate our food... we found a place and sit down... we chatted and laughed...[ ppl thgt we siao ].
after recess was maths.. miss latha could not teach so we wactched the so-called old modern of "CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY"... i treated the whole one hr as free period and she sat there marking a pile of maths pp. the projector was another irritating thing... need to set 15 - 20 min thn can start... so lan!!! anyway, the projector oso lao le... after maths was eng... we went to the library to play a game.. it's for the upcuming oral exam... there will be 40 cards and each has to pick one at random... the cards too! see what topic you had chosen and do to either the books or the computer for more info... well, i m counted lucky todae[ ltr thn tell you why ] i chosen the last card and heng heng i kana the "FOOD" topic... it was easy sia... more sianz de is next mon, cher will pick random, and whoever is picked, will say what he or she wrote for for the topic... [ for 3 mins ] and the script have to be 1 pp long... haiiiiiiiiii................
after eng was my fave period, pe!!!! :) yipee.. had nafa[ e 5 stations ] so no need stay back... first up was sit and reach, scored 37! quite satifised! thg a bit lan.. next was standing broad jump, scored 2m!!!! :) yeah! first in record! break my world record! first time so accurate sia! last up was sit-up, scored 31!!! an A!! bit last few wks records[ 29 ] em, last wk did inclined and shuttle run... inclined, scored 16... bit a few wks back records[ forgot liao ] i kana retest cos i scored 8[ failed! ] thn shuttle run, scored 10:7 sec... oso bit a few wks back records!! so tats why i say, i am so lucky!!!
anyway, its 8:20pm liao... late le... going to revise my science... cos tmr got science test! sianz..... ah!!!!! haiiiiii............ lol!! hahas!!! until thn! see ya! muacks!!!
lobe, vivian :)
April 8, 2008 || 5:49 PM
todae, as per normal, went to sch... got attire check... sianz... :( but heng, nv get caught! :) anyway, in short, hmwk todae and ms song had already been absent for 2 days le... hope she nv cum tmr cos have history test tmr on chp 6- the super long chp! ( just KIDDING )! cannot be so bad and curse other ppl... haha... nth to do but hmwk, nv stop working on miss latha's hmwk( MATHS)!!! going mad very soon... btw, still got subjects to revise althg hmwk finish liao... esp, history! :0 so gtg... seeya!! byeeesss!!! :)
Love, Vivian (:
April 3, 2008 || 8:43 PM
em, did inclined pull up and shuttle run todae for pe... thn i had to go for retest for inclined pull up, got an A. :) after sch, went to eat whe cheryl, xiu zhen, sok kuan, ting xuan and koh jing... reach hme at 1605... reach hme liao when to bathe thn a while ltr rain liao... sianz.. thn i on com. at around ?? forgot liao.... while using com., i oso revised my maths... thn chatted whe my guy fren... em, nw is 2047, going to pack bag liao... hope tmr maths and chinese tests will pass whe flying colors..!! :) a bad news to report, nw every fri, half of the PG lessons will be taken for 'weekly test'!!! sianz..... zzzzzzzzz........... wa lau!!! i tink tis is the only idea for us to pass our exams whe flying colors ba!! seeya!!!
Love, vivian pek ;)
April 2, 2008 || 5:56 PM
haven been posting my blog for quite a while le... very sianz... nth to do... just hmwk loh... work, work, and work... i will nv stop working... OMG!!! everyday do hmwk cos mid yr cuming.... cannot afford to be lazy anymre.. esp, this yr~!!! :) anyway, gtg.. nth much to mention... tell you more maybe tmr ba... bye! (: