Vivian Pek! <3
Just Turned 17:D
Arrived here on APRIL 19'94 <3 YANGZHENG'01-'06 ; YUYING'07-'10 xD TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC'11-13
Leave a TAG behind before you leave!
SPAMMERS are NOT welcome!
sch started 3 daes ago.. same old thing- very sian sia.. dislike the new time table for semester 2.. anyway, it's fast man! semester 2 liao le, haiz, gng for end-of year exam liao.. hated every thursday cos have to stay back until 1530 dunno for wat project work loh.. so lei and sian cos sec 2 so many things.. love geography and hm econs! :) had a sci presentation earlier just now in sch.. shuai to be the first grp to go.. wa seh sian.. finally finished but i found it quite exciting ba.. (: hahas..
so todae is thur.. need to stay back but luckily, project work cancelled! yipee! xD reached hm abt 2 plus gng 3 and the most pek chek one is.. the damn it 53 damn lots of ppl la and the air-con sucks to the core la.. somemore is air-con bus but the air that cum out was warm not cold.. OMG loh.. outside damn warm den in bus oso.. almost pangz[ faint ], rather walk hm loh[ like no difference one leh ] btw, tmr is fri! fast huh!! but tmr cannot go hm early cos got co until 1730.. haiz[ again ] has! xxD. WtH!! maths tuition starting soon loh.. in the very first place, i do not wan any but kana forced and last semester common test failed so...[ i guessed u noe! ]
nw online gng to end my conversation liao.. listening to kelly clarkson songs now.. bright, sunny and warm afternoon.. white, fluffy candy floss!! clear sky and moving candy floss! wow!! cool!!! hahahas! lol.. oh, before i forget.. sat for a english test abt grammer and every thur from todae onwards, first period is gonna be test! [ shit ]
~tat's all folks~
Yours Faithfully, vivi@n
June 13, 2008 || 9:45 PM
sry guys for not posting so long! anw, past few weeks just watched tv, do hmwk and eat.. den next dae oso like tat loh.. todae, went to IMH for cip.. the ppl there are not like wat ur tink but only some la! they are actually normal ppl only their mind a bit disorder and their yan sen only.. but one thing tat their good at is that they are creativity in art!! their drawings were much much more better den most of our drawings.. :) :) we reached there at 2 plus and waited to 3 before proceeding to their ward.. we were assigned to ward 44A[ men ward ].. after settling down, we taught them how to draw, gave out papers and crayons... we stayed there until 5 and took transport back to school..
i learnt quite a bit todae.. hw their lives are when they are kept in a ward, they rarely have visitors so when we reached there, they were :).. some probably recovered but their relatives did not want to fetch them home, etc.. after all, quite pitiful... tat's all folks.. gng to sign out and rest for the dae! [2155 ]