Vivian Pek! <3
Just Turned 17:D
Arrived here on APRIL 19'94 <3 YANGZHENG'01-'06 ; YUYING'07-'10 xD TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC'11-13
Leave a TAG behind before you leave!
SPAMMERS are NOT welcome!
OMG!!!!!!!! wats wrong whe this weather man!!! super duper freaking warm!!!! walk anywhere oso perspire! and jux finish bathing oso perspire!! mind (not sure abt the spelling) as well stay in the toilet and dun cum out... alrights, gonna keep short today, cux its really warm rite now! jux finished watching 'FRIDAY THE 13th'.. its kinda gruesome and i 'jumped abit' at some parts.. 'Jason' is really a perverted serial killer! his actions were awfully like shit! (thats e only way i could described his acts!!) 'He' killed everyone whe NO MERCY!!!! but in the end, he like nv die.. quite funny la, jux some parts Rrated... and thanks to myself, i watched alone! :D:D cool rite?! xDxD hehe.. but i did hugged my pilow and put a glass of water out there to accompany me :):):) ok peeps! gtg, bye.. may post soon:D
Lots of Thanks,
AuNtie Pek :D
October 17, 2009 || 5:19 PM
hmm, received my eoy results le... dun wish to say so much abt it.. i FAILED my COMBINED HUMANITIES!!!!!!!!!!! wtf! but bopiah, i tried my best le... i promised myself to work harder for it and chemistry mum said i cannot go out le, hope she will change her mind for monday- gng east coast whe 'gans' anyway, mum scolded me like hell den i cried of course! its all becux i didnt put in much effort for tis yr eoy, dun noe whats whe me after sec 2, i changed alot- becum 'hongxim' liao.... anyway, i swear i am gng to study hard for nxt yr!!!!!!!!!!! alrights, advice to gans- STOP PLAYING MAHJONG!!! hehe:D:D:D:D wanna buy 2 things: 1) dresses :):) 2) shoes xDxD grad day was over, stupid sch! we dun managed to catch it!! study study study!! like after exams liao cannot relax a little!!! stupid!!!! in the end oso on study loh, rathee watched the ceremony den sit in class to rot... anyway, thats all peeps, kinda tired le... buaix!!! love you!! :D
lovees, Ah PeK
October 9, 2009 || 9:29 PM
FINALLY! exams were over!!! and i get to post again!!!! yeah! :D:D but the truth will be out on tue..... nvm, let's enjoy the time for now!:D:D after chemistry paper, steph, xuan and i went to steph's hse to teach xuan 'swimming', (only those who were present today noe wat it means xD) afterwhich, went to meet pang, kel, ting, aman, jimmy and keat at kovan's pizzahut we waited for quite sometime before finally settling down the service was really rated as 1.5stars/5stars, becuz... we waited a long time for the menu to cum and the waitress to take our orders and she accidentally so-called slipped the glass of pepsi of the tray and it jux splashed onto the table we the gals kena and my wallet went 'scuba-diving', i tell you, my wallet was placed rite on the table and the drink jux... ai ya.. in the end, we went toilet to clean ourselves and my wallet but i think it's either the tray was too heavy or she is jux a trainee FINALLY!!!!! OUR FOOD ARRIVE!!!! we chatted among ourselves abt gan's tings and ate den wenna steph's hse again to 'swimming' haha i rch hme ard 1828:D:D:D alrites gtg for nw, buaix ppl:D:D:D:D