Vivian Pek! <3
Just Turned 17:D
Arrived here on APRIL 19'94 <3 YANGZHENG'01-'06 ; YUYING'07-'10 xD TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC'11-13
Leave a TAG behind before you leave!
SPAMMERS are NOT welcome!
CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the nurse called me to tell me that the appointment for my dental checkup isCANCELLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can they do this in the very last minute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have been looking forward to this and inthe end, it turns out that it has to be cancelled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she said that the appointment was BOOKED WRONGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what does she mean by booked wrongly and in the first place, if they have wanna cancelled the appointment, they shld have told me beforehand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they sent me letters, calls and everything to remind me of the appointment!!! then in the end when my mum and i were abt to leave the house, they called and said it was CANCELLED!!!!!!!! my first feelings was very upset and abit angry!!!!!! ai ya, blame on my luck then... ... :( :( :(
anyway, i dun noe when am i gng for my next appointment.. i have been wanting an appointment for like donkey of years den in the end... ... ... haiz... ... maybe my nxt appointment is NEXT YEAR!!!! Another long year to go... ... so far away... ... today is so unlucky and the call have ruined my day!!! :( :( :(
alright, hmwk and studying for the next few days.. not sure if i am gng to the movies whe 'gans, still haven ask mum yet... still have the sentosa thing oso; whe 'gans as well... quite looking forward if i can go... so these few days must guai guai study at hme den maybe can go out.. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha :):):):)
ViViaN :D
November 26, 2009 || 10:18 PM
back from camp, super exhausted! it was quite a fun one EXCEPT! the WATER-BOMB! at the very end they asked us to sit in a circle to pour water on us BUT in the end they poured 3/4 of the pail on me!!!! wth lah! like i not wet like that and i became super drenched lah!! my clothes were not so wet at first but after that POURING! i became like a waterfall!!! after a while, someone still poured water on me and i became very pissed lah cux i'm fucking wet!!! and it was supposed to wet those who were not wet or not very wet one loh!!! then 'somebodies' (my creation) stood over and watched and giggled lah!! somemore they nv get wet at all loh!!! one say abt shorts but come on lah, you were among those who planned the game on that day den you still went to wear this shorts! just say dun wanna get wet lah!! so easy!!! because of this type of ppl in camp, my mood was alr taken away by half!!! WTH!!!! but the food not bad lah.. (esp, chilli) haha:):)
THIS IS TO EVERYONE WHO COME BY MY BLOG AND READ THIS POST: pls whoever wanna SCREENED at me, you better think twice! since you like to SCREENED others, i'm gng to let you taste how is it like to be SCREENED AT!! cuz it's fucking rude to SCREENED AT others ok?! try lah, go try those ppl putside lah, see if they gorge ur eyeballs out?! dun think i'm small and powerless ok, it's just that i've been tolerating this all this while.. and i think i cannot take it anymore so i vent all out at once!! cuz i cant take that stupid eyeballs of yours everytime i see you!!! STOP STARING AND SCREENING AT ME!!! i haven say a single vulgar word at you yet, but if i say, i'm not gng to stop.. i'm gng to say that wherever i see you!!! UNDERSTAND???? IF YOU NV SEE BEFORE A PERSON, DEN GO ORCHARD ROAD AND SEE UNTIL YOUR EYES DROP OUT ok??!! let you see until you bloated and enough!!!! THIS IS A WARNING TO READERS!!!!!!
bYe and Nites!!! :D:D:D
Love, vi
November 22, 2009 || 10:14 PM
1015 now.. gng off tmr for my cca camp, will be back on wed so will not post until thurs.. hope its gng to be fun but suddenly feel like looking forward on the other hand, feel so down.. anyway, my dad and my bro almost caught a LIZARD jux now but it ran away.. and worse, my bro kept scaring me!!! lol.. sad and afraid, haha :):) ok, got to go sleep early; need to report at 9am! ;) bYe!!
November 21, 2009 || 11:08 PM
today gonna be a short post.. jux finished watching tv.. one more month of holiday before gng for a BIG EXAM! :) kinda feeling stressed now!! haha!! :) gng for dental checkup next next mon, kinda scared (PAIN) hehe.. ok, gng to upload some pictures first, post nxt time, bYe.. may god bless everyone! xDxD
Lots of Smiles,
November 20, 2009 || 10:10 PM
alright, back from the english seminar.. actually, i thgt it will be quite boring BUT I was WRONG! it was super awesome and amazing!!! had lots and lots of fun and made many ACS guys! they are so cool and humble and jux great partners and frenz to work whe.. at first, i thgt they will be quite unfriendly cuz they looked stern BUT I was WRONG AGAIN! haha :):) managed to tok to one today den suddenly everyone joined! :D look!! I've made new frens!!! haha.. adding some on facebook too!! the teachers or maybe MOE staff are super friendly and polite!! unexpectedly.. i thgt they will be like so strict and firerce lah!! hehe:D:D realised I used only 1 singlish?! (lah) haha :):) gng cca (CO- Chinese Orchestra) camp from Mon to Wed.. gonna be another long week, I guessed! :D all in all, I want to thank everyone single volunteers and teachers for helping out!! and it was really really fun! unable to forget it!! BUT at least can sleep longer le, the past 3 days, I was so shagged!! haha xDxD nvm, I'm still considered young!! :):) thanks PRASANA (esp.) for being there for me, YEAH! I would not forget the laughter, food (KouFu), helping each other for everything, the 'thing' we have in common (I guessed you noe wat I'm toking abt! :D) and the PHOTOS!!! hehe:) I would not forget you as a good frenz! xDxDxD let's turn in early tonight! bYe!! :):):)
Lovees, vi :D:D
November 18, 2009 || 5:12 PM
short post today ba :) 2012 kinda rocks loh! i would rate it 4.5* out of 5*!! the missing 0.5* is becuz the movie was abit exaggerating, haha :) 4.5* is becuz of the excellent graphics and great sound effects!! hehe :) although its abit long but its worth it! :D overall, its just pretty nice and cool!! LOVE IT!!!!! :):) after watching le, will imagine abit oso, hoho!! xDxD ok, nxt week is CO CAMP! hah, kinda looking forward to it! ~_~lol alrights, peeps tag me, thks!! :) WARNING: NO SPAMS!!!!! whoever who dares, try me lah!! my blog hoh, i dun welcome these 'type' of ppl one hoh! dun like jux fuck off! nobody ask you to cum!! :D dun go bother and offend my frenz! dun like, jux GO AWAY!! nobody oso like you!
lastly, bYe :):)
p.s vi-mark: dun forget my link le hoh and thks for tagging, looking forward to more of ur tags:D
Lovees *AunTie PeK*
November 17, 2009 || 6:07 PM
alrights, short and sweet today! things to do: alot!!!!!!!!!!!!! dun noe to do wat first.. but of course, study cums 1st!! gng shopping soon:D:D last Sunday was my happiest day for 2009becuz... only some of you know xDxD haha, i very bad rite?! if ur wanna noe.. go ask those who have alr knew it but i bet you know who knew it le.. lol raining recently.. sad and sian.. ppl who are in orchard now, good luck!!! no good to go shopping! :) ok,HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANSEL!! finally 15!!! hahas :D:D:D sorry 2A'08.. i cant make it for the chalet! nxt time! i bet there will be nxt time, maybe next yr when we graduate!!! hehehe:D enjoy urself!!!!! have a happy and memorial one!!! :):) miss and love all of you!!! all my frens:D:D ok, gtg.. bYe!!
Ah Pek:D:D
November 13, 2009 || 10:58 PM
Today is FRIDAY the 13th leh!! are your scared? haha jux kidding lah! :D anyway, yst went to Pegamart( i tink its like tat spell; not sure ) Xuan brought Buddie- the Golden Retriever along and Pang brought Roxy- the Miniature Schnauzer.. yst, there were Xuan's mum, aaron- Xuan's little brother, ting, amanda, pang and me!!! haha, yst was so fun and exhausting!!! Finally Buddie knew how to swim after so much pushing ans trying and Roxy was getting on it too!!! although, goldie are natural swimmers but they will still be afraid and Roxy was shaking like ... cuz he's scared as it was his first time:D GOOD JOB ROXY AND BUDDIE!!!! after all the splashing and running, pand and i went to bathe Roxy and the spa shampoo smells super pleasant!! soon, we went to makan.. aaron ate the most, haha xDxD but he is really cute:D before gng home, we went to see some puppies.. the goldie puppies and all the other puppies- toy poodles. shiba inu, jack russell, miniature schnauzers etc are super extremely CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!! feel like buying them all home esp. the goldies!! :):):):):):):):):):):):) haha den we headed to pang's hse and rested although yst was raining like shit and drizzling non-stop but it was cool and fun:D:D went home after a while den almost slept on bus and the 2 boys on the bus were so 'bu zhi liang li' they sat behind me- the long stretch of seat, they tried to make me from behind and somemore laughed anyway, the bus left only a few ppl when reaching my bus-stop.. both ard sec 1 or 2 lah, see i small, wanna make me rite! somemore, act bang! childish and act-ors!! yst, i so tired liao still dare to make me, lucky i tolerate if not i turn back....... alright, happy times passed by fast!! gtg bye!! do look out for more pictures!!! :D:D:D
Love ViVi@n :D:D
November 7, 2009 || 11:00 PM
alright, i shall keep my post short today! yst, she hit me at the back! wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!! i super bua song, but i hack care loh! she think she wat?! can hit me, cb!!!! i super pek chek yst lah!!! no matter wat, she oso cannot hit me loh! she think she that authority, big ah! i think some of you might know wat i toking abt! KARMA ON HER!!!!!!!!
ok, i'm done frustrating my anger... haiz, hope she will taste her own medicine one day.. anyway, vivian, forget abt all these disgusting and haunting ang irritating and annoying stuff!!! these things will jux make you think too much!! '
alright, i'm not angry at you le lah, i'm jux upset why you ppl must treat me like tat.. sorry if i'm harsh..
today's post sounded so emo and furious?! once in a lifetime.. hahaha, gtg post nxt time, buaix!!! :):):)
PeK xDxDxD
November 5, 2009 || 10:57 AM
sorry ppl, i have not update for quite some time becuause i am lazy:D haha.. alright, now i am blogging in school.. ok, yesterday was my dad's BIRTHDAY!!!!!! woohoo!!! :D:D i bought him a mango cake :) once again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!! xDxDxD
okays, lets go back to a few weeks ago.. the lee min ho event at ps was a failure and a really frightening one! why?! because ps was so called 'combed' by the lee min ho FANS! omg, the ppl were countless and ~unable to describe~.. i think i will never go to this type of fan-meeting again.. anyway, its not a fan-meeting.. its jux the opening of Etude house... but that was the only time to see him real life! hehe... after all, the event was cancelled due to the hundreds of hundreds of ppl...
alrights, i have to go, tok when i'm back:D:D hah:D:D and prasana and x.y, wish both of you SPEEDY RECOVERY!! hahaha xDxDxD