Vivian Pek! <3
Just Turned 17:D
Arrived here on APRIL 19'94 <3 YANGZHENG'01-'06 ; YUYING'07-'10 xD TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC'11-13
Leave a TAG behind before you leave!
SPAMMERS are NOT welcome!
sorry for not posting for so long! anyway, many things to chat... ...
CHRISTMAS!!!! yeah!!! woo hoo!!!! haha.. anyway, went to aunt's hse to celebrate christmas!! have super much fun!! lucky draws, prizes, food and her dogs to play!! so cool and enjoyful!! rch her place at ard 6? tink so.. den we left quite early, ard 10 plus cuz mum and dad have to work next day!
gans' and i went to Victoria Concert Hall to watch our school's concert band performance it was so interesting and fun!! the songs were great and our school's GB was so cool!! :D after performance, went to Orchard Ion to walk walk and makan.. after that, i went home while the rest went to Hougang ba, i tink.. xDxD btw, saw my primary school guy friend at the performance but i tink he didnt saw me.. oops! ;)
BANGS BANGS!!! i finally cut bangs and i cut quite short hair.. but anyway, will grow back in 1 to 2 months time! :) haha... i missed my bangs alot! after 2 yrs w/o bangs, finally today is the day!!! yeah! :) :) gng to dental checkup tmr!!! hope they WONT CANCEL it again! hehe btw, 2010 coming!!!! cool and sad!!!! haha :) :) HAPPY ADVACED NEW YEAR!!!! xDxD bYe!!!!
December 14, 2009 || 10:21 PM
Christmas is coming!! yeah! anyway, gonna keep today's post short! apart from studying for this and next weeks, i have nth to do.. maybe gng shopping this coming sat?! ;) not sure yet.. alright, i just finished watching twn drama 'Hi My Sweetheart'! haha, it was super funny.. Show Luo was like so funny and interesting lah!! :) love that drama and him!!!!! :D gonna prepare the Christmas presents! gng pok soon! haha :) nites and bYe! :)
Vivi@n (:
December 10, 2009 || 11:45 PM
went to sentosa whe 'gans last sunday to celebrate PANG's bade!! (advanced) :D:D had quite some fun jux that some ppl spoilt the atmosphere... ... before we went to sentosa, we went to sky park and played!! :D it was cool!! we walked ard in the big pool and took lotsa photos :) while the guys were pushing and splashing one another whe water.. quite some ppl watched us but we dun care.. xD after which ard 12 plus i tink, bought the admission tickets to sentosa :) it was my 3rd time to sentosa, my last trip was primary 1.. :( anyway, many ppl and tourists.. but after playing for ard an hour, den it started to rain, sianz loh.. after that, we went to makan but sadly, after makan, the rain stopped liao.. we cant continued our fun cuz some of us had alr bathed and oso planned to bathe so we went to ps and help to find POK's mum bade present :) soon we left for dinner.. :):) i rch hme at ard 820pm.. haha, enjoyed myself xDxD
alrights, staying at hme for this week and maybe next... ... to STUDY!!! headache!! :( haha :):) schs gonna reopen in abt 3 week's time!! sianz... ... :( there goes my 2 mths plus holiday :( :(
shall post nxt time! :) bYe! :D
Vivian! xDxD
December 3, 2009 || 9:21 PM
I HAVE JUST WATCHED 'NEW MOON' EARLIER TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i watched it whe my best sister- JIA JIA a.k.a SERENE!!!! haha!! LOVES HER ALOT!!!! :) it was so COOL!!!!!!!!! all of you shld catch it!!! super super super (10X) nice!!!!!!! it was like so... ... (speechless) and many young girls were in the cinema as well!!! haha :) cant forget that show and i dun mind watching it again!!! hehe :) :) all the characters and everything was great!!! i would rate it 5/5!!! just cant get the scenes off my mind even now!!! i think i will even dream of everything tonight lah!!! haha :D
ok, cant wait for 'ECLIPSE'!!! which will be out in America on June 30 2010.. so maybe in S'pore on July??? haha, hope so!!! just wanna continue watching str. after 'NEW MOON'..
alright, bought some nail polishes today and JIA JIA bought a Christmas gift for me!!! YEAH!!! thanks so much!! bought her one too!! :D
ok, gtg.. bYe!!! :D
~vivian~ :) (super thrilled today!!!)
December 1, 2009 || 2:03 PM
december le!!! so fast, still left whe 4 wks before sch reopen.. anyway, still have to go to sch this thurs for chemistry and i really hope its really the last time!! went to read pras. blog jux now, she sounded really sad and a little upset..
like i mentioned in my recent posts, many things have happened during August and September ( if i rmb clearly ) lah.. mty 'gans had internal conflicts cux we kept negative stuff to oursevles and gossiping abt ppl in our 'gans.. i admit that i did gossip and i apologised cuz i know the feeling of being gossiped and so-called being 'disliked'.. some things like that are unavoidable and are always happening up till now.. despite clearing everything in front of 'gans, there are still times where i gossip whe others.. BUT i felt much much better after having said everything out and not keeping them to heart.. the feeling is like....... so relieved!!! so pras, hope that you and ur great friends will settle it properly and not ending up hating one another! :) CHEER UP!! :D
ok, there is one person who tagged me whe a weird name and hopefully he/she will clarify it by leaving his/her name.. at least tell me who you are! thks:) luckily not negative comments and hopefully there will be NONE! haha :)
does anyone ever has diarrhoea almost everyday?! em, i guessed none BUT i am one :( it really kills and i almost had my intestine out in the bowl!! cuz it's so pain and uncomfortable!!! i could feel my intestine being contracted again and again!! i had leg cramps ( i dun noe why ) and felt like vomiting at the same time!! i have weird systems.. haha :) :) ok, i noe this part is kinda like gross and disgusting but jux bear for awhile more!! :D hehe i can feel that when my frenz read this part, they will be like imagining.. haha haha haha:)
alright, NEW MOONcuming out in 2 days' time!!!!! cool!!!!!! cant wait to watch!!!!!! NEW MOON!!!! NEW MOON!!!! ( 10X ) hooray!!! haha xD xD xD lastly, pang and terance, ur bades are coming!!! wooh hooz!!! haha :) ADVANCED HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!!!! :) :) :) :)