Vivian Pek! <3
Just Turned 17:D
Arrived here on APRIL 19'94 <3 YANGZHENG'01-'06 ; YUYING'07-'10 xD TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC'11-13
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO VIVIAN!!!! hehehe :D 45 more minutes to my 16th birthday!!! cant wait for it!!! had just celebrated with my family, the chocolate mint cake was really yummy!!! its like so cool to celebrate 16th irthday!!! dont know why but yup! i'm really really elated!!!! sadly, there are 2 tests tmr; a.math and ss :( but it's ok!!! everything gonna be fine because it's my birthday soon~!!! YEEAHH!!! (x100000000) hahaah =P
btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EBEN TOO!!! hope you'll have an enjoyable day tmr as well!!! may you be healthy and pass your exams with flying colors!!!! hahahhha :)
vivian xDxD
April 4, 2010 || 1:10 AM
02 Apr 2010
wow! the time is seriously flying!!! why?! because 17 more days to my birthday!!! yipee!!! :) anyw, yesterday, was a really fun day for me!
supposed to meet CHERYL and KEAT at 1115am at Orchard MRT but the three of us were late so i met them at 1145am and i'm the first to reach so not really counted late! ;) after that, we went to walk walk, at first we wanna find toilets at ION but to no avail because there were too many ppl and we were kinda stranger to that place.. so we walked to FAR EAST and cheryl bought a pair of shoes!! NICE SHOES cheryl! :) hahah:) they ate and drank while walking and i admit that i'm very bhb cause i took a small piece of chicken from keat and 3 mouthfuls of coffee from cheryl! hahaah, thanks guys!!! we were so hungry that we dont know what to eat and we walked aimlessly around.. from TANGS TO WISMA THEN TO LUCKY PLAZA.. finally settled at MAC?! hahahaah:) drank McCafe again! :) ahahahaa :D this time i drank MOCHA FRAPPE while cheryl drank and ate CARAMEL FRAPPE AND CINNAMONS MELTS and we shared again! haah :) and keat drank and ate DOUBLE CHOCOLATE FRAPPE AND CINNAMONS MELTS.. hahah :) off to meet HT and TX! :D we walked the tunnel for like 5-6 times alr!! wow!!!! it's alot and my toes gave me cramps!!! we sat at a place and i some sort massaged my toes and exchange shoes with cheryl!! thanks again!!! went to meet AMANDA at far east again!!! this time cheryl bought a super nice dress which i regretted not buying and instead grumbling!! so love to grumble right vivian?! anyw, amanda also bought a dress from the same shop (Blossomz) and the dresses are quite affordable.. after which went to meet JIMMY and trained to EXPO!! ate SUBWAY as dinner and yum!!! hahha :) waited for the previous concert to end and we stood for ard 30-45 minutes!!! but it was worth!!!! xDxD and this lady with her husband screened at amanda and cheryl told me and i turned back to look at at the freaking auntie!!! hahhaha :) she was probably too old to wear leggings or maybe because amanda, cheryl and i were wearing leggings!!! heehehehe =P
the concert ended at 1015pm and i waited for bus but in the end my bro and sis fetched me home!!! yeah! had taohuey before bed but i exercised before bed!! so hahhhhha :D so tired that a immediately dozed off!!! ;)
that's all!! today rainy day; did homework, sort of rushing so have time for revision!!! bye! <3
i have fallen for you although i should not have...