Vivian Pek! <3
Just Turned 17:D
Arrived here on APRIL 19'94 <3 YANGZHENG'01-'06 ; YUYING'07-'10 xD TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC'11-13
Leave a TAG behind before you leave!
SPAMMERS are NOT welcome!
WHAT A BIG RELIEF! mt 'o' level finally ended!! after waiting and revising for so long! :) it was super cold in the hall;next time must bring sweater! ;) well a good news to share! i bought my new phone yesterday at vivo after so long! YEAH! :D super happy and careful with it! :) went to amk hub then vivo and vivo was damn packed yesterday! hhahha :) but it was worth after waiting for so long =P
after that, i went to grand's place (first time after cny) hhaha :) headed home at around 6 plus
ate porridge xDxD for dinner and then practised 1 mt paper 2
short post.. well went to this shabby coffee shop to eat at old tampines road on friday, it was quite crowded due to vesak day but the food actually turned out to be great! not fantastic but great! my parents were like laughing at me cause i said the coffee shop was old in the end, i praised the food! hahah :)lol
hot and spicy shaker fries turns out yum! hahah :) next time must buy:) anyw, i did not watch 'drag me to hell' instead i watched 'dear john'.. it was sad but the ending was a bit weird;bYe! xD
vi@pek <33
May 27, 2010 || 9:04 PM
27 May 2010
93rd post today!! 7 more to go! :) had PTC earlier this afternoon it was morning but my sister and i waited for 45 minutes loh! mr yeo told me not to be late but he himself also late, hahha :D
anyw, this time percentage only 59.1 nia! it's like what the fuck?! dropping and dropping!! so after mt 'o' levels, i'm gonna pull up my socks for maths! arggh! :( :) english is another freaking problem! oral not counted inside; cheat my feelings and time to go for oral! if not my percentage can be higher and my grades could be better... ... but what is done cannot be undone!! i just have to do my very best! and there's seriously a lot of things to be completed this june; i'm already feeling the stress!!
anyw, had BBQ chicken (newly opened at kovan) the fish and chips is damn nice! i shall try it next time again! hahhha :) went with pangie, kel, ht, amanda and my sister! hahhah :) it was a treat from sister which i didnt expect so did my besties! hohoho :)THANKS SISTER!!! <3>
all right, off to watch my 'Drag Me To Hell' again but this time ALONE! hahhah :)
bYe xD
May 26, 2010 || 6:57 PM
26 May 2010
92nd post!! hahahh :) 8 more to go!!! yeah!! :D anyway, huiting sister didnt come school today;sort of weird cause no one to hit during mt class! hahhahaa xDxD finally last day of mt lesson!! but 6 papers to do;will focus more on paper 2!! jiayous man!!! everybody MUST do well!!! :) listening to bonamana again! :D
PTC tomorrow!! :( getting report card :( :( can only pray for tomorrow to be over asap! ;) all right, short post! bYe! =P
vi-pek >3
May 24, 2010 || 7:47 PM
24 May 2010
the 91st post!! currently counting down!! xDxD anyw, short post today! as usual mt today until wednesday (i guess) ;) going tuition tomorrow, so wont be posting :D visiting the dentist on wednesday :) changing colors!! yeah! (: any recommendations?lol =P
well gonna study! bye! :D
vi-pek <33
May 22, 2010 || 10:52 PM
22 May 2010
well i did not know that this is the 90th post already!! it's gonna hit 100!!! yeah!! :) anyw, feeling excited for weiling and her dog [Tripod] :D it's damn cute and i cant wait to see the pictures! :)
all right, same old thing mt homework!! so much;does not seem to finish them!! hhahah :D not sure when am i gonna get my new phone?! hopefully asap! :D cause my current phone already nua liao :(
cant wait for juney holidays but sadly:
1) mt 'o' level 2) study camp for 1 week plus 3) amath tuition 4) practise math and chemistry
so not juney mood! others enjoying but there we are, STUDYING! :( but never mind we will be having at least 4-5 months of straight holidays SOON (5 months l8r)!!! xDxD cant wait!! =P
bye! :D
May 21, 2010 || 7:57 PM
21 May 2010
as usual, mt lessons3 HOURS!!it's damn long and tiring;cannot imagine myself doing paper 1 and paper 2 everyday! i think i will faint before MONDAY!! hahhaha :) but i learned that mt is really important and sometimes quite fun! so people, we MUST LEARN TO LIKE MT! ok?! xDxD weekend is gonna be another fast and really fast weekend;gonna complete 2 sets of paper 2 and 1 set of paper 1 and practise my amath! ;)
bye! =P
|| 5:27 PM
May 20, 2010 || 10:38 PM
20 May 2010
i've already break the news to my mummy and she did not really scold me;i think she's abit tired to scold me anymore cause i remembered her saying that she thinks that i'm old enough to take care and think for myself... so in order not to let her down, i'm going to work to the extreme! :)
anyway, my bro is giving me amath tuition
anyway, my brother just bought me 2 dresses from HK and a belt and 2 wallets!! =P LOVE THEM TTM!! <3>
i dont think i can survive from 3 hours of mt everyday until next week!! hahha, but i shall try my best!! :) hopefully everything will go well for mt 'o' levels;it's seriously damn fast!! ahhh!! :(
off to sleep;super tired these few days; nights!
May 19, 2010 || 9:23 PM
19 May 2010
i was not really prepared for it but i still have to face the truth i lost my classmate recently and it was shocking because no one ever thought this would happen hopefully she is in peace now and may God bless her
anyway, got my results and it was truly indeed shocking and hurtful for me, i didnt know that i would fare badly for mye
i will be seeing aFin my report card for amath;i dint want this to happen but what could i do?? please tell me! SOS!! it's only my math and chemistry that i worry about NOW!! i'm gonna seriously work hard for that man;cause the feeling isn't good;it's frightening me!! and i dont know how to tell mummy!! she will surely nag and scold me for sure... ...
pray hard that she will not prob so much further cause i'm also crestfallen and dejected!! i could not hold on to my tears and they just trickled down!! i'm so disappointed in english too!! how could this happen?? it's been the january that everyone's results are dropping!!! what is going on?? can someone please tell me?! i feel like screaming my lungs out asking what the heck is wrong with everyone's results?? if english did not turn out badly; maybe everyone's percentage will be what they expected!! all i can do now is sit back and watch the keying in of results onto my report card
well, this is just the beginning;i'm gonna pull up my socks for prelim during the june holidays;focusing on my math and chemistry;putting aside my combined humans, biology and english FIRST!
well hope everything will get better after prelim :) no point crying over things that are done;just get over with it and move on because without failure, one cannot succeed! everyone has got to face failures in life;this is part and parcel of life.. so lets not stop here instead we should be motivated to keep going!
bye! :)
May 16, 2010 || 12:10 AM
Super Junior live is damn damn damn good!!!! love them!!! :) :)
|| 12:10 AM
May 15, 2010 || 10:56 PM
15 May 2010
went shopping with my girls!!! damn fun and i was super high!!! hahaha :) finally i bought some things but i still spent the least (no offense) :) left house at 1125am, met kelly at mrt and trained to orchardstation :) met up with cheryl and amanda at around 1210? :) walked to far east and spent almost the whole afternoon there :) stuffs i bought:
1) a brown handbag 2) a white dress 3) a cup of milk coffee 4) a bowl of sesame paste
trained home at around 6pm cause cheryl had concert, amanda and kelly very tired already but i was still in the mood to shop?! hahaha :) went home to try the dress but cannot fit cause i didnt try it at the shop?! how stupid can i be? argh! trained down to far east again with sister and mum this time.. supposedly cannot change but the salesgirl is damn good, she allowed me to change the size but not the type;luckily iluma has 1 more piece left of different size;will be taking it tomorrow!! YEAH!!!! :)
reached home at around 1005pm -_- hahahha :) so damn tired but i'm hardworking ok?! cause i uploaded the pictures!!! hehehe <3
anyway, pictures are above;enjoy! xDxD
~love today!!! =P~
vivian <33
May 13, 2010 || 4:14 PM
13 May 2010
SUPER JUNIOR truly rocks!!!! i love them!!!! their new song is 2 thumbs up!!! their dance moves, their voices and their appearance!!!! woah!!! they changed styles esp. Donghae and Si won!!!! yeah!!!
anyway, MYE is over!!! 2 more major exams to go!!! jiayou!!! hahah :) going shopping with girlfriends soon!!! yeah!!! see ya!
|| 4:13 PM
May 7, 2010 || 3:39 PM
07 May 2010
well short post today.. around 4 more days to end of exams! (excluding chemistry spa) :D still able to cope so far; hope next week will not disappoint me!! jiayous! :)
all right, good luck to everyone who is taking exams right now and next week!! give your best shot!! have lots of things to accomplish after exams;shall give myself a 3-4 days break after exams!! yeah!! xDxD
May 1, 2010 || 11:30 PM
1 May 2010
finally i posted!! 'When I Look At You' is a great song!! the main actor is super hot!!! love him!!!
these few weeks have been difficult and stressful but i still have to continue walking in order to finish the long road to success!!! hahahah :) i lost a friend recently and i could do now is pray that God may bless him and let him rest in peace in heaven. His laughter, his pain, his smile, his actions will never be forgotten.. you're a true friend indeed..
all right, upcoming exams;to be exact 8 days of papers!!! before i'm kinda free!!! go vivian!!! yeah!!!! wont be posting until 14 may 2010!!! ;) keep my blog going, peeps! much thanks!!! and weiling, i'm goona link you right now!! hahha, sorry for waiting for so long!!! ;)