Vivian Pek! <3
Just Turned 17:D
Arrived here on APRIL 19'94 <3 YANGZHENG'01-'06 ; YUYING'07-'10 xD TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC'11-13
Leave a TAG behind before you leave!
SPAMMERS are NOT welcome!
he's just irresistible to look at, pay attention to and whenever he's beside you, you'll flush! aww!
when he looks into your eyes, how you wish you know what is he thinking at that moment...
when he walks pass you, how you wish he's gonna talk to you somehow, someday...
when he sees you, how you wish he can wink or smile at you... (DOUBLE AWW!!)
when you see him, how you wish you have the courage to go over there and say 'I LIKE YOU!'
when you see him not here, you miss him;how you wish he can quickly appear right in front of you...
finally, one day, somehow, someday, somewhere, sometime, he comes over and say 'I LIKE YOU TOO!'
|| 11:15 PM
nobody is perfect... there's bound to be some scars, bruises, tantrums somewhere...
i've always thought that friends are there for you be it happy times or sad moments...
but that 3 words i saw totally changed my view of you...
now, everything has resumed back to normal and i'm happy for you
loneliness is scary;yes i admit but just get used to it;that's what i told myself everytime
so what are friends for? i asked myself now;realizing that true friends are hard to find... ...
|| 11:06 PM
21 Aug 2010
hmmm, how long did i not blog? haha, there's really so many things to catch up and school is like so corrupting my mind everyday! homework, tests, night classes!! OMG!! i'm dying!! i'm sleeping later almost everyday! so NO LIFE! I'VE GOT TO GET OVER O LEVEL FAST!! well, time is flying and i'm left with 2 months!
anyway, my mt o grade was B3 Merit!! i thought i could get at least an A!! but!! to my horror!! a B!!!! ahhh!! it spoiled my whole mood and i broke down on the spot!! so i've gonna retake!
my siblings say that i'm so emotional but it's like my dream of an A was tarnished on the spot!!
next week is gonna be fast and extremely busy!! so i need my chicken essence!! NOW!!
August 10, 2010 || 9:10 PM
10 Aug 2010
HELLO!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!! although it's kinda belated, it's better than nothing!
all right, i woke up quite early to study yesterday! i ate sesame bun again! it's so nice! LOL! soon, around afternoon, we left house to celebrate BROTHER'S BIRTHDAY!!!
my sissy booked tickets for'SALT' at THE CATHAY!yeah! although it's sorta expensive, it's worth it! i would rate it 4 out 5 stars! :D she is damn cool and swift in her moves! :) we went PLAZA SINGAPURAto kia kia; there were so many youngsters and couples...
we went to Diaso to buy things, actually it was me who bought the stuff;i bought a cute utensil! :D then we headed to Care-four to buy some tidbits for the movie (we are very cheapskate one! :D haha)
after the movie, we went ILUMA for some JAPANESE FOOD! yum!!! it was damn nice! woots!! shall go again!! after dinner, i ate ice-cream and drank at TCC with my sissy and brother;we took many pictures!!! so nice!!!
cabbed home after that and fetched mummy home from her holiday! soon as i reached home, i slept... ...
today, i slept till 11 plus and studied all the way until 7 plus! woots!! :D ok, gonna go;bYe!
August 7, 2010 || 11:54 PM
07 Aug 2010
went to Seoul Garden at tampanies yesterday with Theng Wei, Eben, Prasana and Yun Yue;it was so fun!
luckily theng wei did the reservation cause there were so many people at seoul garden;as though everyone was celebrating national day;we had a little argument with the manager cause of the seats;THANKS TO PRASANA THAT WE GOT THE SEATS!
we ate lots of food but for me were more vegetables and terayaki chicken, 2 rounds of ice cream, 1 round of ice-kachang, 1 slice of watermelon, a small bowl of fried rice and some other food;eben ate lots of sausages;practically just sausages and he kept spitting the 'tadpoles' which pissed prasana and made all of us laughed!
i ate the slowest and drank the least;i think;after that yun yue suggested to play scissors-paper-stone and the person who lost must drink the 'mixed-drink' everyone of us drank at least twice
the first round was made by yun yue;the drink tasted more of soured root-beer;the second round was made by prasana which tasted more of garlic i ate the special 'watermelon' in round one and i spitted out;cause it was damn gross the 'garlic' drink managed to kill all of us;THANKS PRASANA :D
we kept laughing and after that we left seoul garden at around 2pm plus? i reached home at around 4pm? anyway, was super tired but i managed to persevere until midnight before falling into real deep sleep... ...
woke up at 11 plus today and ate egg tarts and banana sponge cake;it was damn soft almost no need to bite! damn nice! :D