Vivian Pek! <3
Just Turned 17:D
Arrived here on APRIL 19'94 <3 YANGZHENG'01-'06 ; YUYING'07-'10 xD TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC'11-13
Leave a TAG behind before you leave!
SPAMMERS are NOT welcome!
yesterday was one of the best days i ever have! the CENTENNIAL CONCERT was a huge success;looks like prom! haha :D took lots of photos and smiled like more than i have done in the past! everyone looked so great and charming and gorgeous!!! wooh!! :D
met my clique in Plaza Sing at 3 plus, went to walk around cheryl and i went to Swensen to book a ice-cream cake;intending to surprise Jimmy and Ting Xuan! ;) it was damn epic lighting the candles and hiding away from them!! people kept looking us;every step i took was small and careful and cheryl kept relighting the candles! damn funny!!! :D but FUN! =P we had our lunher (lunch + dinner) at Just Acia! LOTS OF THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO HELP OUT AT THE CAKE-HANDLING SESSION AND FOR BUYING THE LIGHTER!!! anyway, we headed to Esplanade soon and it was damn packed over there;flashes everywhere!!
pictures are at fb! all right, so tired of studying almost all day;bye! :)
July 28, 2010 || 4:15 PM
28 July 2010
today was not a good day for me (*i bet it's not for some of my friends) coughing, sneezing and sore throat suck! my class seems to be contaminated with this virus! requires immediate disinfection!! i have no idea who pass it and i don't blame that person;just hope that person and all my friends and i can recover by FRIDAY!!
a very important event on FRIDAY! it's my school 100th year celebrations and i've been looking forward to this day and now... ... SICK!! arghh! everyone will be dressing up beautifully so i must recover by then;just in case my school don't have prom night also, so must dress up! :D
do anyone cry when you fall sick? i will, don't know why;natural reaction ate medicine after recess and just drank a cup of herbal tea (although i dislike, no choice) and a piece of bread my sore throat is killing me and runny nose just suck!
gonna rest;bye! =P
July 25, 2010 || 12:06 AM
25 July 2010
it's gonna be August soon! days are passing so fast! floods and floods in Singapore
well, i've been busy and lazy to post so sorry!
why must i always see lizards?
we seem to be connected somehow? haha, LOL!!
visited the detal yesterday to change my braces color and tightened them!
my teeth are progressing fine! cant wait to see my new straight to-be teeth soon! :D
been wanting to eat bread cause i'm addicted? haha, i just love bread so much! dont know why?!
shall open my own bakery shop next time! :)
all right, catch up with you soon! bye!
vi =P
July 9, 2010 || 11:27 PM
09 July 2010
i've been stuck on this post for 30 minutes;don't know what to post! :(
school was fun but still stressed!! :( today my bag was the lightest and i went to school empty-handed and returned home empty-handed too!! :D
you and i known each other since young a pity you forgot the memories we shared the tears we shed the joy we had the prank we played as we grow, our friendship starts dying down even on streets we became strangers no more eye contacts no more greetings no more handshakes
our stubbornness led us nowhere our fantasy once led us to la la land now reality lead us to separation
i thought i've got you your weird logic your PMS attitude your outrageous behaviors your unbeliveable madness but it was just my foolishness
i told you anything but you spilled everything no point in rewinding now stop your saying
Composed By
July 4, 2010 || 12:06 AM
04 July 2010
mummy went to Johor again! this time without me cause i'm busy preparing my Chinese 'o' level oral!!! it's on tuesday!!!
anyway, mummy bought my favourite stuff! *BREAD!!! the bread is gonna be so nice!!! cant wait to eat them tomorrow!! she bought masks for me too!! THANKS!!!:D
ECLIPSE yesterday was awesome!!!! looking forward to 'BREAKING DAWN'!!! full house at AMK HUB CATHAY!!! some funny parts!!! Jacob was woohs, when he appeared half-naked several times!! PRAS was like 'oh my god!' and everyone in the cinema started drooling when Jake came out!! *(girls mostly though! sorry guys! :D) hahhaaah :D
it was great going out with PRAS and CHERYL.Y!!!=P we took lots of photos on the bus!!! :D *(more on facebook!! ) we headed to CHOMP CHOMP to fill out grumbling stomachs!!!! YUM!!!!! xDxD it was best!!!
we took lots of photos near the bus-stop too!!! PRAS went to her aunt's house while CHERYL and i took 315 and i walked her to another bus-stop near my house!!
reached home at 830pm and did my iTunes until 12 plus!!! :(